June 28, 2010

People Pleasing

So this summer my good friend Katelyn and I have been going through a book called "Pleasing People: How not to be an approval junkie" by Lou Priolo. Why are we doing this? Because we are terrible people-pleasers. The book is very Biblically sound, and points to God as the one we should putting all our efforts into pleasing. Needless to say, it is a very challenging book.

It is probably one of the most difficult things I have ever tried to battle as a Christian. I am the worst of the worst when it comes to making people happy. I am a perfectionist, type-A, my-life-is-all-together type of person. Being vulnerable and open with others (as well as not catering to their opinions and possible judgments)does not even occur to me. Living for others (not in the good, Christ-glorifying way) is second nature to me, and before reading this book I hadn't even realized what an entanglement it had placed in my life.

It is impossible to please people, because they are sinful, they don't know everything, and there are too many of them. Even still, I find myself struggling to please my friends, my family, and even my husband, over and above what God has called me to do as a Christian. This, in turn, causes me to cheat God out of His time with me, as well as withhold my full attention and service.

Here are a few quotes/Bible verses from the book that particularly got me:

Do not fear the displeasure of man more than the displeasure of God. Neither should you seek the pleasure of man more than the pleasure of God.

"for they loved the approval of man rather(more) than the approval of God." John 12:43 (talking about the Pharisees)

The people pleaser is discontented with his status in life. He longs to have more, instead of being grateful for what has been given to him.

Immoderate people-pleasing robs the approval-seeker of his peace and joy. Anxiety, fear, and worry will keep you from receiving the peace that comes from knowing that God is pleased with you.

The only hope you and I have of pleasing people is by introducing them to the only One who can truly please and satisfy them - the Lord Jesus Christ.

The book really beat me over the head for the whole first half, but now (sigh of relief) I am getting to the part where I am learning how to channel all of my approval-seeking energy towards pleasing and glorifying Christ. If you feel like you have even the slightest problem with seeking the approval of others, I highly recommend this book. :)


  1. It's so eye-opening to realize that we all struggle with trying to please people, we just attempt to please them in different ways! What a great lesson to learn (and be reminded of).

  2. It's my fault. Sometimes you inherit your discipler's sins. haha Just kidding!

  3. It seems that people pleasing is something I have battled all my life in one degree or another. Arg... Luckily God is okay with me being a work in progress.
