October 19, 2010

Happy 1st Anniversary!

In addition to my previous post on my anniversary weekend, I wanted to do another quick reflection on my first year of marriage.

No, marriage is not easy. Especially being married and still in school. Marriage is not perfect either - especially mine. But is it worth it? Absolutely and unequivocally yes! Let me tell you why:

Although a marriage does not make you "fulfilled" or "complete" you (total myths propogated by society), it definitely brings you an abundance of joy and a chance to grow in ways you never have before. I believe with all of my heart that God created the institution of marriage so that we could catch a glimpse of what it is like to be loved by Him. Christ loves me much more fully and unconditionally than Chris ever could, but having Chris as a husband gives me a new and deeper appreciation for what Christ has done for me. And even though I do not like certain things that come with marriage - extra laundry, planning and cooking meals, etc. - doing them brings me a joy that makes my heart happy.

Over the past year, having someone who knows me as intimately as Chris does has given me the opportunity to grow and be stretched. He can point out things in me that need change or encouragement that no one else could. He can lovingly show me when my thoughts or motivations are not glorifying to God, and I can do the same for him. It's not always easy, but I thank God for such a strong Christian husband who loves God first and me second. Times are not always easy, there will be fights and disagreements, there will be trials and hardships, but I am confident that God will give me the strength to be the wife that He wants me to be. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

We saved the top of our wedding cake and ate it on Sunday. Chris was extremely skeptical and was convinced that it made his stomach upset (although I ate it too and was just fine), but it really wasn't that bad. Not fresh, of course, but not too bad. :)

Year 1 was amazing, and I am so excited to see what God will do with all of the rest of them!!

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