January 24, 2012

What's On My Nightstand

I am stealing this idea from my friend April. I will participate in this monthly update on what I am reading, what I have read and what's coming up! I am really trying to read more and expand my cultural horizons. :) I recently joined a women's book club, and am excited about the upcoming books on our list.

What I read in January:
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
Yes, I got a little obsessive the last week of my Christmas break and read all three of them in 4 days. Loved the story and the concept, but not necessarily a literary masterpiece, in my opinion.

People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks
Some of the most beautiful, masterful story-telling I have ever read in my life. This book was so rich and absorbing! I highly recommend it. An amazing book - I want to read more stuff by her!

What I am currently reading:

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

I decided to re-read it recently, and since Chris got me a beautiful collector's edition last year for Christmas, it was about time I did so. The last time I read it, I was probably 10 and my mom actually read it to me while I was sick. Also, I want to read March by Geraldine Brooks (about Mr. March) and needed to refresh my memory on the rest of his family.

What I am reading next month:
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
March by Geraldine Brooks (maybe, depending on time)

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I want to read The Hunger Games-I need to before the movie comes out. I really like Rebecca-it was one of my favorite forced hs reads.
