December 29, 2011


Chris and I didn't leave for Asheville until Christmas day, so the week leading up to Christmas was catch-up-on-life week for me. I cleaned parts of our apartment that had been neglected (e.g. mopping the kitchen floors) and started my periodic declutter regimen (going through the filing cabinet, organizing craft supplies, etc.). Also, I took the opportunity to catch up on all the crafts that I had collected the materials to do, but hadn't had the time to finish.

Coasters for my Mom for Christmas

A few coasters for me :)

Re-usable shopping bag from t-shirts

Small ribbon pillow
Giraffe ornament for a guy in Chris' Bible study 

Frosted wine glasses

Unfortunately, the frosted glass paint comes off too easily, so unless I can find a way to make it stay on better, I will have to use these for candle holders or something. In my defense, the can of spray paint said for glass on greenhouses, insides of doors, the outside of shower doors, etc. If drinking wine out of the glass messes it up at the top, then that is a fail.

But don't worry - I spent plenty of time being lazy and unproductive as well. I read The Help in two sittings (fabulous book and movie, by the way), watched several movies on Netflix, and slept in at least until 9 on most mornings. Yay for Christmas break!!

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