Recently, I have been going to quite a bit of effort to save as much as possible on groceries and household items. I got a super cute coupon organizer off ebay (shown above), and I have bookmarked several websites that tell me how I can save a lot of money! It's really awesome how much I can save, but it's a lot of work. Whew! I've also been trying out the different area grocery stores, to see which is cheaper. I was originally shopping at Food Lion, but their produce and meat sections are less than desirable. Harris Teeter is quite nice, but too expensive. Today, I tried out Walmart, and Aldi is next, but Walmart is the current winner.
We really go to great lengths to save money. Chris tries to only get his comic books off of ebay, and I get 99% of my clothes from Carolina Thrift - and only on half-off Mondays. :) We really can't complain, though. We have extremely low rent, no car payments, and friends with extra meals at school. Given that big changes don't occur, and that we can keep fairly steady jobs, our goal is to get all of our college loans paid off by the time I graduate from grad school (3 years from now). That is a very ambitious goal, but we are very anti-debt.
God is very gracious, and I would not even be close to being justified if I said we were struggling, because we are not. God, through many generous people, has blessed us with an abundance.